Windsor Soap

The next soap we want to make is called Windsor Soap. Here’s the description from “The Art of Soap Making” by Merilyn Mohr, copyright 1979. (A Harrowsmith Contemporary Primer)

Windsor soap was a stock item of almost every soaper in the nineteenth century. At the Great Exhibition of 1851, in London, England, where there were 727 exhibitors in the soap and perfumery section, Yardley and Statham won an award for a cake of Brown Windsor soap.

This same bar was again exhibited a hundred years later, still in prime condition, at the Victoria & Albert Centenary Exhibition. This spicy brown soap has many recipe variations, but the primary component is always oil of caraway.

Since this scent is somewhat fleeting, it is usually blended with the more stable oils of sassafras, cloves and bergamot.